Almathera Ten Pack 2: CDPD 1
Almathera Ten on Ten - Disc 2: CDPD 1.iso
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117 lines
** :ts=8
** low-mem.h
** Copyright 1987 By ASDG Incorporated - All Rights Reserved
** May be freely redistributed for non-commercial purposes
** provided this message retains intact. Available for use
** in commercial products for VERY minimal concession. Con-
** tact ASDG Incorporated at (201) 563-0529. Use in commer-
** cial products without authorization of ASDG Incorporated
** shall be viewed as copyright infringement and piracy.
** For commercial applications of the low-memory server ASDG
** will grant perpetual use licenses provided that:
** a) We are credited somewhere in your documenta-
** tion.
** b) You send us a copy of the application.
** c) You pay a very small administrative fee not
** exceeding $50.
** Author: Perry S. Kivolowitz
** To use the low-memory server you must allocate one of these
** structures. When a low memory condition exists, the low-
** memory server will look for the message port you specified
** in the call to RegLowMemReq. If the message port is found,
** the low-memory server will examine the LoeMemMsg you sup-
** plied a pointer to in the call to RegLowMemReq.
** If the low-memory server finds something other than LM_CON-
** DITION_ACKNOWLEDGED, it will not send you a message. There-
** fore you should initialize this field with that value.
** This scheme is used to ensure that the low-memory server
** does not reuse the same LowMemMsg (which you supply). This
** scheme allows the low-memory server to not wait for a Reply
** which could be deadly if none was forthcoming from your ap-
** plication.
struct LowMemMsg {
struct Message lm_msg;
long lm_flag;
** values for lm_flag
#define LM_LOW_MEMORY_CONDITION 0x00000000
#define LM_CONDITION_ACKNOWLEDGED (('A'<<24)|('S'<<16)|('D'<<8)|'G')
** useful defines as in:
** lmptr = (LMMPtr) AllocMem(SizeOfLMMsg , 0L);
#define SizeOfLMMsg sizeof(struct LowMemMsg)
#define LMMPtr struct LowMemMsg *
#define LMSName "asdg-low-mem.library"
** Meaning of Error Returns coming back from RegLowMemReq
#define LM_BADNAME -1 /* duplication of port name */
#define LM_NOMEM -2 /* memory allocation failed */
/******* Following lines added 01-Feb-90 by Darren New to support
Lattice 5.x, ANSI, etc. **********************************/
extern struct Library *LowMemBase;
extern long RegLowMemReq(char * PortName , LMMPtr Space);
; PortName is a pointer to a null terminated string representing
; the name of your port to which the low-memory service
; will attempt to send a message.
; Space is a pointer to an initialized LowMemMessage.
; res if false means your registration has been accepted.
; Currently, the only reason your request would be re-
; jected is if the low-memory server itself ran out of
; memory (oh my!) or the port name you requested has al-
; ready been registered. The value of the returned error
; code can be used to determine why the call failed.
void DeRegLowMemReq(char * PortName);
; DeRegLowMemReq
; Undo the effect of a previous RegLowMemReq. You absolutely positively
; must call this routine before exiting your program (or closing the
; library)
#ifndef NO_PRAGMAS
/*------ normal functions ---------------------------------------------*/
#pragma libcall LowMemBase RegLowMemReq 1e 9802
#pragma libcall LowMemBase DeRegLowMemReq 24 801